Terms of use of cookies

Terms of use of cookies

This website uses cookies to improve the website's user experience, evaluate website visit statistics, ensure its operation and functionality, etc.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with more information about the cookies used on this website.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that a web browser (e.g. Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc.) stores on the user's terminal device (computer, mobile phone, tablet) when the user visits a website, in order to identify the browser or store information in the browser or settings. Thus, with the help of cookies, the website gains the ability to save the user's individual settings, recognize him and react accordingly. The use of cookies can be disabled or restricted, but without cookies it will not be possible to use all the functions of the website to their full potential.

What do we use cookies for?

Website www.elyndi.com cookies are used to:

  • improve the experience of using the Internet site;
  • ensure the functionality of the Internet site;
  • adapt the functionality of the Internet site to the user's usage habits, search requests, previously viewed content;
  • obtain statistical data on the flow of visitors to the Internet site - number of visitors, time spent on the page;
  • identify you as a user (for authentication);
  • to display services tailored to the user's needs;
  • offer other offers when visiting the Internet site;
  • would like to remember if you have already agreed to the use of cookies on this website

On the website, cookies are used exclusively for the purpose specified in this cookie policy.

Cookies are stored on your device no longer than two years.

Several types of cookies (persistent and session) are used. Depending on the functions to be performed and the purposes of use, we use: necessary cookies, analytical and statistical cookies, marketing and retargeting cookies.

The website uses first and third party cookies.

Necessary cookies

These cookies are necessary so that you can visit and browse the content of the website and use the features it offers. These cookies identify your device, but do not reveal your identity, nor do they collect or aggregate information. Without these cookies, the website will not be able to function fully, for example to provide the necessary information, provide the requested services or watch the requested video. These cookies are stored on your device until the cookie has fulfilled its function, but no longer than two years. These strictly necessary cookies are placed automatically. If, however, using the options provided by browsers, you choose to disable them, please note that the website will not be able to function fully.

Analytics and Statistical cookies

Statistical cookies provide website analytics and help to improve its quality, user experience on it and contribute to the growth of our services and service. The resulting statistics are available and used in an aggregated form, no user is directly identified. For these purposes, the Manager uses third-party cookies, such as Google cookies.

Marketing and retargeting cookies

Marketing cookies help to provide the user with a personalized user experience by adjusting content, advertisements and offers according to the activities on the website, as well as informing the user about marketing and informational news.

We may integrate features of third-party websites, specifically various social networks, into our website. these features sometimes include scripts or other elements that can read and sometimes place cookies from social networks installed on your device. these cookies may allow personalized advertising to be more precisely related to your interests. We cannot access and control these cookies or the data they collect, as we are only the administrator of the Internet site, but we want to inform you and obtain your consent for the use of these elements. To learn more, please read the following information about possible social network cookies!

Necessary cookies



Expiration date


Used in conjunction with admin access

2 years


Used to track a user's session through a multi-step checkout process and store related order, payment and shipping information.

24 hours


For stores where the price currency/country is set from GeoIP, this cookie stores the country we set. This cookie helps to avoid GeoIP lookups on the first request.

during the session


Used to manage customer privacy settings.

1 year


Used to manage customer privacy settings.

30 minutes


Used to manage customer privacy settings.

2 weeks


Used to facilitate updating customer account information.

1 minute


Used to save the user's preferences if the merchant has set privacy rules in the visitor's region.

1 year


Used in connection with checkout.

1 year


Used in connection with the shopping cart.

2 weeks


Used after checkout to ensure the shopping cart is in the same currency as the last checkout currency.

2 weeks


It is used to check the integrity of the cart.

2 weeks


Used in connection with checkout.

2 weeks


Used in conjunction with a shopping cart.

2 weeks


Used in connection with checkout.

4 weeks


Used in connection with checkout.

1 year


Used in connection with checkout.

30 minutes


Used in connection with checkout.

during the session


Used in relation to buyer localization.

2 weeks


Used in conjunction with merchant login.

2 years


Used in connection with checkout.

1 year


Used in connection with checkout.

1 year


Used to identify the user after he has signed in to the store as a customer so he doesn't have to sign in again.

2 years


Used in connection with checkout.

1 year


Used in connection with checkout.

30 minutes


Stores a store homepage password digest, allowing merchants to preview their store homepage while it is password protected.

2 years


Used in connection with checkout.

1 year


Used in connection with checkout.

during the session


Used in connection with checkout.

3 weeks


Used in connection with checkout.

3 weeks


Used to connect to the website browser.



Used in connection with checkout in shop.app.

3 weeks


Used to connect to Shop login.

1 year


Used to connect to Shop login.

1 year

Analytics and Statistical cookies


To track the page

2 weeks


To track the page

2 weeks


Shopify Analytics

30 minutes


Shopify Analytics

during the session


Shopify Analytics



Shopify Analytics

30 minutes


Shopify analytics related to marketing and recommendations.

30 minutes


Shopify analytics related to marketing and recommendations.

30 minutes


Shopify Analytics

1 year


Shopify Analytics

1 year


Shopify Analytics

during the session


Shopify and Google analytics

during the session


Shopify Analytics

during the session


Shopify Analytics

during the session


Shopify Analytics

during the session


Shopify Analytics

during the session


Shopify Analytics

during the session


Shopify Analytics

during the session


Tracking cookies from Google Analytics. Used to improve our website by analyzing user behavior. These cookies provide us with information such as the number of visitors to the website and the pages visited by users and the total time spent on our website.

2 years


Tracking cookies from Google Analytics. Used to improve our website by analyzing user behavior. These cookies provide us with information such as the number of visitors to the website and the pages visited by users and the total time spent on our website

24 hours


Tracking cookies from Google Analytics. Used to improve our website by analyzing user behavior. These cookies provide us with information such as the number of visitors to the website and the pages visited by users and the total time spent on our website

1 minute

it goes

This is a Google UserID cookie used to help track users across different parts of the websites.

2 years


This is a Google UserID cookie used to help track users across different parts of the websites.

6 months


This is a Google UserID cookie used to help track users across different parts of the websites.


This cookie is used to detect new sessions/visits.

30 minutes


Stores the traffic source or campaign that explains how you reached the sites. The cookie is created when the JavaScript library is executed and is updated each time data is sent to Google Analytics

__don't win

This is one of the four main cookies set by the Google Analytics service, which allows website owners to track visitor behavior and measure website performance. It was used to calculate new and repeat visitor statistics. The cookie is updated each time data is sent to Google Analytics.

2 years

datr, _js_datr, _js_reg_ext_ref, _js_reg_fb_gate

Facebook uses these cookies as part of its embedded services on the Sites (likes, shares, etc.). More information about Facebook's use of cookies can be found in their cookie policy


This cookie is used to count the number of times different visitors have visited the site - this is done by assigning the visitor an ID, so that the visitor does not register twice.

1 day


This cookie is used to determine whether the visitor has visited the site before or is a new visitor to the site.

1 day


Determines whether user navigation should be recorded in a specified statistics placeholder.

1 day


Logs data about the behavior of visitors to the website. It is used for internal analysis and website optimization.

1 day


Collects statistics about the visitor's visits to the site, such as the number of visits, the average time spent on the site, and what pages are read.

1 day


Collects statistics about the visitor's visits to the site, such as the number of visits, the average time spent on the site, and what pages are read.

1 year


Determines the current site's SEO ranking. This service is part of a third-party statistics and analysis service.

during the session

Third party cookies

Third-party cookies are set by third parties whose services are used by the website or whose services are linked to the website. For example, third-party cookies are used in analytics services so that the website can get information about what is popular and what is not. Likewise, other Internet sites visited by the user may include the use of cookies. Third-party cookies are outside our control and you can learn more about these cookies by visiting the relevant third-party website (eg: Google Analytics, Facebook, etc.)

Information generated by third-party cookies may be sent and stored outside the European Union.

How to control cookies?

When you visit the website, you are shown an informative notice that the website uses cookies and you are asked to choose:

  1. logs – Customize the selection, by opening which the user can agree to the use of all cookies by setting the selected cookies and pressing - Accept all or not agree to the use of cookies, except for the necessary cookies, by pressing - Confirm the marked ones.
  2. logs - Reject (by selecting this window, the user refuses the use of cookies, except for the use of necessary cookies).
  3. logs - Confirm (by selecting this window, the user agrees to all cookies).

However, please notē that if you do not save some cookies, you may not be able to fullȳ use all the functions and services of our website.

More than www.elyndi.com You can read about the cookies used on the platform in use on the website https://www.shopify.ie/legal/cookies, as well as the platform's privacy policy is available on the website https://www.shopify.com/legal/privacy.

You can read more about how these third parties use cookies and their privacy policies here:



Acceptance, restriction and deletion of cookies

When visiting our website, a notice was displayed informing that the website uses cookies.

If the user has initially approved the selected cookies (analytical and statistical cookies and/or marketing and retargeting cookies), but later decides to delete the cookies, then by visiting the link in the footer of the website: GDPR data deletion and selecting a section change cookie settings, you can refuse cookies in the same way as you have set when starting to use the website or request the deletion of cookies to the website administrator in the section request the deletion of cookies, by sending a request to the administrator of the Internet site.

That also to be able to receive or delete data about the User, including data collected and processed with the help of cookies by visiting the link in the footer of our website: GDPR data deletion, in which you can:

  1. edit user account data (section – data correction);
  2. receive information about user data processing (section - access to personal data);
  3. receive information about data processing, orders placed, personal information (section – data portability).

Also, the User can delete cookies himself in the browser of the Internet site, because the security settings of every web browser allow the restriction and deletion of cookies.

You can delete all cookies that are on your computer, and most browsers can be set to block the placement of cookies on your computer. However, in that case, you will have to manually adjust the settings every time you visit the website, and there is a possibility that some services and functions will not work.

The following websites provide information on managing and adjusting cookie settings in some of your favorite browsers:

  • Google Chrome


  • Microsoft Internet Explorer


  • Mozilla Firefox


  • Opera


  • Explorer


If you use other browsers, you can check the support section of their website to find out how to manage and disable cookies.

For more information about cookies in general, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and disable them, visit www.allaboutcookies.org

Changes to the Terms

The manager has the right to change the cookie rules at any time. Any changes to the Cookie Policy will be published on the website.

Terms of use of cookies last updated:

  1. on January 3